Wednesday 14 February 2018

Analogies for Negative Numbers

I had students (plural mind you) on my last placement that had failed grade 10 math twice and were taking it for the third time. These students were also likely to fail again. As expected, the big issue was their poor arithmetic and number sense. One student told me that 1 + 0.25 = 0.7. Another had no idea how to do addition and subtraction when negative numbers were involved, and generally wouldn’t bother to include negatives. For this post, I decided to do some reading on how other people explain negative numbers and do a little review of the ones that stuck out.

Start – Direction – Distance

This approach uses a vertical number line. They start with addition and subtraction of positive numbers. Students use the first number as where they start on the number line; whether the problem uses addition or subtraction gives the direction they will move; the second number is the distance that they will move. Once that is done, they try addition and subtraction with a negative start. Once that is comfortable, they try addition with negative numbers, and eventually subtraction with negative numbers.  I like the use of a vertical number line because I think “up –down” is easier to conceptualize that “right – left”.  The author of this approach specifically says that he avoids analogies. I appreciate that, though I think stories are sometimes easier to remember than procedures. Of course, analogies only go so far and should be used judiciously. He also makes a point of separating addition/subtraction from multiplication. As such, he never says something like “two negatives make a positive”. Personally, I think this approach sounds procedurally very useful since there is nothing arbitrary or ad hoc about it. Perhaps the deeper meaning of why it works will appear spontaneously to the students, but at the very least, they will know how to do the approach correctly.

Hot Air Balloon

I like this analogy less, the more I think about it, but I think it does have its uses. Imagine a hot air balloon. Puffs of hot air are positive numbers. Sandbags are negative numbers. Adding hot air moves you up. Subtracting hot air moves you down. Adding sandbags moves you down while removing sandbags moves you up. I won’t elaborate on how the analogy works. I think it is pretty obvious. It is certainly a cute picture and it gives a clear idea of how removing something can cause an increase. However, I’m not sure that the analogy is terrible useful for learning how to do actual calculations. I would use it as a picture for a confused student, but I would be hesitant to lead with it. One nice thing about this analogy is that there is a game that goes with it, which may be a fun activity.

White and Black Stones

This analogy is from Marian Small and I think greatly overcomplicates the matter. As a matter of honesty, I vehemently dislike almost everything I’ve seen from her, so I may have been a bit biased reading this. In her procedure, students are encouraged to represent positive integers as empty circles and negative integers and shaded circles. One positive circle will cancel with one negative circle (what she call the “zero principle”). Once all the possible cancellations are done, the student counts what is left over. The procedure works smoothly for some combinations of numbers but becomes very complicated for others. I generally don’t like Small’s reliance on cumbersome manipulatives and complicated visual metaphors. The metaphor should never be the procedure, in my opinion. It breaks down a bit when we get to multiplication where she admits that there is no easy way to model the product of two negative numbers. I will concede that her “zero principle” did grab my attention. It was an interesting way of demonstrating that zero can always be rewritten as the addition of a number and its negative, which pops up later down the road in completing the square.

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